Colour Has Energy
The Energy of Colour
(Colour Consultant/Interior Designer
The Hills Area/Parramatta/Blacktown/Penrith/Lower Mountains)
Colours have an energy and vibration
they can say a lot about you and your home decor.
Choose your colours well to reflect your personality
or call an expert to assist you.
RED Vitality,passion,temper,energy,strength
ORANGE Creativity, joy, sensuality, emotions, warmth
YELLOW Intuition, sensitivity, intellect, happiness, fun
GREEN Love,healing,compassion,earth,balance
BLUE Spiritual,peace,communication,imagination
INDIGO Perception,inner-awareness,knowledge,freedom
VIOLET Wisdom,beauty,inspiration,creativity,enlightenment
WHITE Truth,innocence,purity,energy
BROWN Grounding,earth,nature,calm
Call a Colour Consultant so everything is well co-ordinated
It will be the least expensive of all your costs for a new home or renovation
and where the most important decisions will be made.
An hourly affordable rate no hidden charges. 15min free phone brief to
discuss your project.
Linda McConville Colour and Decor Consultant Mobile: 0412664593